Ruchini Investments is an investment advisory firm counselling on mutual fund investments. Ruchini Investments provides a multidisciplinary approach by engaging skills of professionally qualified and experienced persons, who are committed to add value to their clients. We build on our services by having strong client relationships, use of technology, research, teamwork and transparency
We walk with you throughout your investment journey to achieve all your big/small financial milestones
We provide powerful portfolio reporting and re-balancing, online transactions, goal gps, video kyc, financial planning

Bird Eye View for 20+ Assets!
You as an Investor can take better decisions when you have the information of complete portfolio. We provide a single platform to manage Mutual Funds, Life Insurance, General Insurance, Health Insurance, Direct Equity, Postal, FD, Bonds, Commodities, Real Estate, PPF, PF, PMS, Venture Capital Funds, Alternative Investments, Arts & Antiques etc.
The Best part is all these assets can be link with your financial goal planning to track its progress and achievements.

Powerful Portfolio Analysis!
Reporting the complicated data in most simple way is our expertise, get equity holding, sector exposure, debt paper qualities, fund type wise pie chart, goal allocations, family member wise exposure, SIPs, Capital Gain, What If Scenario in few clicks.

Online ATM – It’s a wallet that gives returns like FD!
You keep money idle in bank a/c, this money can be channelized in liquid fund with Insta Redemption Feature and when every you need, Online ATM gives facility to withdraw a maximum of Rs.50,000 or 90% of invested amount within 30 minutes to bank account.

Portfolio Re-Balancing with BSE STAR Integration!
The Portfolio Re-Balancing feature allows you to book profit at pick and invest at bottom by just a click, the modules is integrated with BSE STAR, so that the switch order can be placed directly from Rebalancing report, this product engineering a portfolio can be more profitable and less risky.
Strategies Offered in our Platform:
- Fixed Time Interval based rebalancing.
- Percentage change based rebalancing.

Goal Tracker – Embedded with BSE STAR
Investments cycle revolved around FEAR, GREED & HOPE, we added LOVE.
Our Goal Tracker allow to customize the Goal tacking report by adding your family & kids photos.
You can Map all Assets with the Goal & in case of any deficit you can place future orders of mutual funds via BSE STAR from the Goal Tracker.

Financial Planning Report
We offer the Financial Report with complete financial plans with Insurance need analysis, post retirement cash flow, Goal report with client’s photo, Asset Allocation recommendations, Net worth analysis, solvency ratio and many more.

Research Tools
We provide tools for research through Funds Factsheet, SIP/STP/SWP Past performance Calculator, Human life Value Calculator, SIP Calculator, Loan EMI Calculator, FD Calculator, Child Marriage planning Calculator, Child Education Planning Calculator, Retirement Planning Calculator, Dividend History, Latest & Historical NAV Watch, Income Tax Calculator, SIP Delay Cost calculator.